A Star is Born! Lupita Nyong'o

CNN Femi Oke I Africa NY Lupita Nyong'o

 Jamhuri Wear presents a classic Africa NY Minute Circa 2009.

“I Africa NY” Minute feat. Femi Oke and Lupita Nyong'o.


Lupita was then an unknown documentary director premiering her first project “In My Genes” about the challenges of people with albinism living in Africa. In her first major television interview with CNN Africa, she appeared on the red carpet of the NY African Film Festival donning a Jamhuri wear "I Africa New York" crewneck sweater. The interviewer, Femi Oke proclaims a prophecy that manifests a few years later.  ⭐️She’s going to be a Star ⭐️

Three things you will hopefully get from this video
1- Prophets walk amongst us
2- Ideas don't have expiration dates.
3- Always support your friends in their journey.

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